
JavaScript classes with an edge.

This is library provides a class factory. The instances of its generated classes have many features that will eventually allow them to:

  • Be distributively managed between machines
  • Be differently viewed in different contexts (e.g., depending on the viewer or an internal state)
  • Be efficiently stored
  • Keep precise track of their changes

    All while still feeling like plain JavaScript objects.

NPM version Build Status Dependency Status


$ npm install --save master-class


  1. Require the library

     const M = require('master-class');
  2. Create a new class:

     const MyMClass = M({/* options */});
  3. Create an instance:

     const myInstance = new MyMClass();


       const myInstance = MyMClass.createInstance();


API Reference

[WIP] For now, you could just read through the tests.


AGPL-3.0 © Amit Portnoy

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